Do you start your sentences with "One day" as you express the dreams that you have for your life? As if they are out there in a special Wonderland waiting to be discovered.
Why don't you make the choice to grab them right now?
Yes, it can be scary stepping out of your comfort zone & it will take some work but imagine if you never went for it and gave that dream up.
Many people self sabotage their goals as they either unconsciously don't feel worthy or they haven't linked it to a big enough Why (Your purpose).
Stop making excuses to feel safe & justify staying small. Step out & start the first action that will support your dream. Get that momentum flowing. Link it to what this will mean to your life and know that you deserve every success. Take each hurdle as a challenge & a learning knowing that it is contributing to your growth. Once you do all this, you will be unstoppable.

Janelle Johnston works with Corporations & Individuals to excel their Human Potential through training & coaching programs. Services include Executive Coaching, Transformational Life Coaching, Couples & Relationship Coaching, Extended Disc Behavioural Profiling, Sales & Leadership Training, Masters Presenting Course & Key Note Speaking. Visit us at or contact Janelle at for more information.
Monday, 30 June 2014
Monday, 23 June 2014
Celebrate your uniqueness
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you look for the greatness or do you nitpick & search for areas of perceived imperfection? We often judge ourselves harsher than anyone else. Beating ourselves up because of how we look or the behaviours that we action. What about if you decided not to do that anymore. Instead you became your own best friend, cheering You on and coaching yourself through every challenge that life sends your way.
Loving yourself right now not once you lose 30 kilos, get a partner, score that job, the list goes on. How would this make a difference in your life from how you feel about yourself to the opportunities that you will allow yourself to experience?
We all have a special gift to offer the world. It is your mission to find out what this is and commit to your own personal growth & embrace the wonderful qualities that are already inside you.
Loving yourself right now not once you lose 30 kilos, get a partner, score that job, the list goes on. How would this make a difference in your life from how you feel about yourself to the opportunities that you will allow yourself to experience?
We all have a special gift to offer the world. It is your mission to find out what this is and commit to your own personal growth & embrace the wonderful qualities that are already inside you.
Thursday, 19 June 2014
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Reach Out, you don't need to go on the journey alone
This week I had a health scare. I developed a dark mole looking lump at the bottom of my foot. When I had my ultrasound, the nurse recommended that I get my results Urgently. In that moment, I felt like time stood still. As though I was in this silent vacuum that sucked me into a world that no-one else existed in. I somehow couldn't believe that the world was still operating as normal whilst I was dealing with my news. My outside facade was that of "normal" too, smiling at people as they walked by as I disassociated myself from my challenge. It was as though I was watching a movie of myself & fully detached from the reality of the moment. I went to the doctors straight away to be told that I had 2 hours to wait until the results would be sent through. As I waited in my car, thoughts flooded through my mind & all the "What ifs" came to me with lightening speed. I felt as if I was in a tug of war with my life skills strategies that I know together with facing reality. My educated logical mind told me to face reality as the nurse would not have told me to go to the doctors urgently if this wasn't life threatening. I suddenly felt so lonely in my thoughts & decided to reach out to a friend who gave me loving support on the phone. I then decided to dig deep, take one bit of news at a time to deal with and focus on what is rather than what may be. As I sat in the doctors waiting room, I felt numb. I read the same page of the book that I had with me at least 5 times, not being able to process the incoming information with any clarity. When it was my time, I prepared for the words that were going to come out of the doctors mouth, It's a melanoma. However, my logical intelligent guess was thankfully wrong. He told me it was probably just an object stuck in my foot & promptly took it out. Tests will be back from pathology this week but the learning's that I have gained from this experience is enormous. It's normal to feel vulnerable in times of challenge & your unconscious mind is great at blowing up your sense of reality to protect you. Regardless of your strategies that you have in place to empower yourself, feel that you can always reach out to others for support when you need to. Vulnerability is the highest form of courage and love is a powerful healer.
Monday, 9 June 2014
Hold yourself to a higher standard
When your behaviour is congruent with your values & beliefs, you are building trust within yourself and reinforcing that you hold yourself accountable by your own standards.
Have you ever set a goal & in your gut you haven't believed that you can achieve it? Maybe you have broken that trust with yourself in the past & now are skeptical of being able to commit to this goal whole heartedly as you don't trust You.
Hold yourself to a higher standard than anyone else would. Do the right thing when no-one is watching. Remember, your own unconscious mind is always with you, by your side & experiencing whether you are being true to yourself or not. If you promise yourself a commitment, see it through.
You know how amazing it is when you achieve a goal that you have set & you support yourself the whole way through, believing in your mission & backing yourself all the way to achieve that goal. How great does that feel? Choose to do more of that.
Have you ever set a goal & in your gut you haven't believed that you can achieve it? Maybe you have broken that trust with yourself in the past & now are skeptical of being able to commit to this goal whole heartedly as you don't trust You.
Hold yourself to a higher standard than anyone else would. Do the right thing when no-one is watching. Remember, your own unconscious mind is always with you, by your side & experiencing whether you are being true to yourself or not. If you promise yourself a commitment, see it through.
You know how amazing it is when you achieve a goal that you have set & you support yourself the whole way through, believing in your mission & backing yourself all the way to achieve that goal. How great does that feel? Choose to do more of that.
Monday, 2 June 2014
You have the inner strength to handle anything
We often don't know how strong we are until a challenge in life is thrown in our direction and we are forced to dig deep. You are not always in control of your environment but you are in control of your thoughts & the meaning you give experiences in the world. How you communicate to yourself is crucial in maintaining & developing a healthy sustainable relationship with the person that stares back in the mirror at you every day. We have all of the resources inside of us to support us in times of challenge. Yes, crap things happen in life but we have a choice to either succumb to misery or rise up stronger & wiser than ever before.
It is important that we have a strategy that works for us that will direct our communication with our self so that it is as empowering as possible.
55% of how we communicate is through our physiology (our body language), 7% our words and 38% the tonality of our voice. By knowing this & also being aware that mind & body are connected, it is important to notice how you are communicating to yourself at any given time. If it's working for you, great, if not, change it.
What words are you saying in your head when you are faced with a challenge. Are they something like "Why me", "Life's unfair". Listen to your self talk and have some strong empowering questions in your repertoire that will support you in tapping into your inner strength. You could ask "What will I learn from this", "How can I make this better", "Who do I need to become at this time". This will help direct your mind into an empowering state.
Hear the tonality of your self talk. Make it empowering, strong & loving.
Ensure you have a physiology of excellence. Shoulders back, head up, eyes up & if strutting down the hallway at this time gets you into an empowering mindset, Do that.
Be your own source of strength & support. You owe it to your best friend, You.
It is important that we have a strategy that works for us that will direct our communication with our self so that it is as empowering as possible.
55% of how we communicate is through our physiology (our body language), 7% our words and 38% the tonality of our voice. By knowing this & also being aware that mind & body are connected, it is important to notice how you are communicating to yourself at any given time. If it's working for you, great, if not, change it.
What words are you saying in your head when you are faced with a challenge. Are they something like "Why me", "Life's unfair". Listen to your self talk and have some strong empowering questions in your repertoire that will support you in tapping into your inner strength. You could ask "What will I learn from this", "How can I make this better", "Who do I need to become at this time". This will help direct your mind into an empowering state.
Hear the tonality of your self talk. Make it empowering, strong & loving.
Ensure you have a physiology of excellence. Shoulders back, head up, eyes up & if strutting down the hallway at this time gets you into an empowering mindset, Do that.
Be your own source of strength & support. You owe it to your best friend, You.
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