Life is created with problems built in. Intelligence, education or skill alone will not create the success in your life that you desire without persistence. You will be tested, stretched & challenged in life. There is no such thing as failure only feedback. Be aware of what the universes feedback is for you and learn by it. You may even be tempted to say Why me and sink into a mentality of victim. Ask yourself empowering questions in those challenging times like, What will I learn from this?, How can I make this better and Who do I need to become to raise to this challenge?
Never, Ever Ever Ever give up on your dream. If you try one idea and it doesn't work, try something different. If that doesn't work, try something different and if that doesn't work then go back and try something different again.
Many people give up on their dreams when they are so close to achieving them. Sometimes the goal can feel like it is unreachable at times & the challenges outweigh the reward. This can make you feel defeated. This feeling too shall pass if you get straight back on focusing on your mission.
Be like a dog with a bone with your dream. Hold on tight, fight for it and resist the urge to bury it.
All the rewarding things that I have achieved in my life have been the most challenging. It pays to persist.